Virgo Virgo is a short animation made in collaboration with the musical group Sateen, an electro-pop outfit in Brooklyn. With a musical composition created with synth sounds from a Yamaha DX7, and 2D graphics compiled together in After Effects — this motion graphics piece aimed to create synchronicity between an audible and visual experience. This short animation draws inspiration from design motifs of The Memphis Group while using traditional and unconventional animation techniques to create a moving dreamscape where Saul Bass meets Ettore Sottsass. With this film’s focus on pure movement, Virgo Virgo constructs a journey into astrological symbols and the semiotic meaning of surrealistic imagery. Planetary shapes align then divide throughout atmospheric channels and transform into human figures symbolizing creation and rebirth. Color theory is employed to expand on 2D media’s potential to create a phenomenological experience. A typeface was created for this animation resembling constellation formations to illustrate the refrain of the song’s chorus which is finally revealed at the end.