Most people don’t know about this neighborhood and the ones who do, see Washington Heights as a dangerous “hood.” By creating forms of communication that highlight all of the wonderful parts of the neighborhood through my eyes, I could possibly eliminate some, if not all, negative connotations. When looking for people, places, and facts to put in my book I tried to think of it from the perspective of someone who just moved in. They want to know where all the cool people hang out; they want to know where to get the best food. And locals who have been living there a long time can only know that. This project has two components, an interactive video and a book. The video shows interesting landscapes and landmarks in The Heights while listening to a poem written by a Washington Heights resident. During the video, viewers are welcome to smell scents derived from the different ingredients and food available in the neighborhood. The book is a personal and intimate experience as well, where readers will be informed of all the unique restaurants, landmarks, and people of Washington Heights that only locals know about. Included in the bilingual book are personal stories from long time residents and secret spots in the neighbor- hood where one can relax and unwind; streets and avenues are included as well so one knows where to find these places.