Any consumer should be aware of the repercussions of their purchasing decisions. What many probably don’t realize is the extent to which we think about what we buy and why we buy it. My aim for this project is to inform people that their tendencies mean something larger when it comes to what we buy and keep. Not only does it say a great deal about who that person is, but it explains even more when we consider what the person chooses to display to the public. Everything is a facet of an image that we want to display to the public. All of our decisions when it comes to this have large repercussions. This book serves as an example of a person who is aware of their purchasing and archiving tendencies and decisions. The volume of information and images in the piece will allow the viewer to ponder if they have the same habits and become aware of them. I used myself as an example to allow the viewer to gather an idea of a person based on the information embedded in the book’s content. We are what we own.