Natural Lifestyles aims to bring together particular groups of people who practice ways of living that are conscious of the preservation of the Earth or focused on achieving closeness to nature with the intent of preserving those communities and strengthening their identities and communication. The discovery of each individual lifestyle identity will be explored and detailed through a collection of personal stories, interviews, and images gathered from people who practice the alternative natural lifestyles into a newspaper for observation. After each component of the Natural Lifestyles community is made accessible and transparent, the over-all group identity will take shape at an event where all of the practitioners can come together and form connections to strengthen their communication and further develop their community. The news- papers will be available at the event to help generate conversation and reinforce the commonalities between the various lifestyles. A guest speaker at the event will give an introduction to her own lifestyle choices and answer questions for experienced practitioners, as well as new and curious people interested in joining the Natural Lifestyles community. To encourage the community to continue to come together, a book that outlines how the event was coordinated and produced will help future planners create another meet-up. A community of people who care about the same sort of lifestyle practices can not only support the choices of each other, but also educate, re-evaluate, and build upon one another.