Patterns are often the best construction of dot, line, and plane. Also, patterns have a close connection with what we see, touch, and feel in our everyday lives, even in our phone case covers, clothing and bags. You can easily find a lot of patterns around you. Recently, people are using computers to express various visual and spatial perspectives, but now I want to create patterns by knitting rather than digital patterns. The pattern can show viewers different points of view rather than a flat pattern printed on a piece of paper. I made a patterned sweater and then transferred into the computer design program by photographing the real knitted pattern to have its own texture and shade of the form. The photo becomes wallpaper, which is a two-dimensional format transferred from a three-dimensional form. Another three- dimensional piece is a pair of leggings, which is created using graphics processed through soft- ware to create a knitted three-dimensional effect onto a printed surface. The prints create the illusion of soft and tactile knits on hard surfaces. It is an intricate design exploring the tensions between the real and the virtual. When the real knitted piece and virtual knitted digital photo piece meet, you can com- pare both the digital and the analogue patterns and textures, how those look different.