During the recent decade, the world has seen exponential growth in connectivity through the widespread availability of internet, yet constant connection to the web causes people to develop counterproductive habits that push away candid social interaction and diminish value of information. Counter Productive is a brand that creates productive habits by the counter through the application of analogue gaming.
The game’s packaging was designed with a focus on experiences that are absent in the digital world. For instance, there is a textural quality of the box that can be felt, and the interactive built-in mechanic can be played around with to access the contents inside. Bright metallic tones are juxtaposed with glossy black to draw attention towards the packaging and away from digital screen. Games contained within the boxes are named after habitual gestures in digital world that are meant to be replaced with better habits after each game.
There are three games. Swiping & Dragging is a game about breaking the counterproductive habit of viewing and sharing information online. Through this game, players will be able to take more caution with how they interact with information. Opening & Closing is a game about breaking the counterproductive habit of watching and examining contents digitally. After the game, players will be able to explore details more in depth. Tapping & Flicking is a game about breaking the counterproductive habit of playing and meeting with people through digital displays. Over the game, players will be able to create a friendly bond with each other.