A Cat’s Guide to Owning a Pet Human is a collection of stop motion animations based on my real-life pet cat, Tyrell. Each animation takes you through a different event from his perspective on how to survive owning me, his pet human. And each of his stories is contrasted with my character’s point of view. Some things appear much differently between the two of us, but at the end of each animation, we both want the same thing—love.
Based on these animations, I have also created a small product line of mugs, t-shirts, pins, and stickers that will be available for purchase. He has his own Instagram page where these animations live surrounded by photos of his real life counterpart.
This project is an examination of the bond that we share with our pets and the love and care we exchange with one another. As much trouble as the cat in the animation stirs up, he is only doing it for love. And as much trouble as he causes, my character loves him unconditionally. He appears as a mischievous cat whose main agenda is satisfying his desire for human affection and getting what he wants.