Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat accommodate the shortening attention span of today, but pose an obvious problem, as they take away from the accuracy, detail, and volume of information that one should and would consider important. With videos no longer than 10 seconds long and with precise “hooking” subtitles, the news we get via social media is often frivolous. While the usage of cellphones could be considered inevitable, what is intriguing is that they have become our sole source of news, information, and communication. Therefore this means not only are we compromising our intellect and ability to learn new things, but one is risking loosing out on facts altogether, or worse still allowing oneself to live in an entertainment run shell.
For my thesis, I have decided to recreate The New York Times as The Ew York Times, showing silly, superficial, and shallow news next to real journalism. The sizing of articles side by side will reflect the amount of attention each article has received in the past, based on statistics, such as Facebook likes and shares. Through this newspaper I hope to develop a comical social commentary reflecting the mindsets of today’s pop-culture obsessed youth hoping to provoke self-reflection and awareness.