Hey smart designers! Let’s get something straight—you’re really smart. Let’s get another thing straight. Since you’re so amazingly busy and talented and creative, there’s probably a bunch of other important subjects you want to know more about, but don’t really know where to start. You understand how crucial design is, but you also know there are some super important texts out there that can probably tell you about design in politics, philosophy, (whatever!) that will strengthen your design practice. “Wait but it’s all so dense and long and boring!” you say? (I know you didn’t really say that but let’s just pretend you did.) Don’t worry, I totally get you.
See, the thing is, Books for Smart Designers selects the most essential texts about design in non-design subjects, and presents them in a way that is both friendly and accessible for designers to understand. So it doesn’t just give you all the best stuff to read… it totally decodes the whole thing for you as well! Each book in the series has defined all the big words for you, looked up all the important terms, and even provided a summary of, well, everything! (Can I get a “hell-yeah”?) Because let’s face it—Design has held and continues to hold influence over cultures and pivotal events throughout history. Books for Smart Designers finally makes the tools accessible for every designer to fully grasp the value of his or her practice, in turn encouraging design that is truly Good.