Components such as emotions, senses and space are innate to any kind of food experience. Through our senses, we interpret food according to the manipulation of color, texture, sound, and smell. This pattern varies, however, depending on past experience or constructs which play with expectation and perception. “The definition of experience relies on the relationship between self and object, where personal interests and beliefs set, partially, the outcome of the experience,” Wright (2005).
With technological advances and innovations, modern times have become more concerned with results rather than journeys. People have become too worried about how to effectively do things, creating a desired perfect outcome, instead of involving themselves in an experience fully. With food, innovations like “Tasty” and others have created a way to quickly communicate recipes and a fast and effective way to create, taking the concept apart from its sensational experience.
Exteroceptive will be an exploration of recipes, redefining and transforming the way viewers experience food while cooking. By incorporating studies in language, menus, graphics, color, and many others, the project will bring the viewer a different experience and approach to the cookbook as we know it. This will involve the exploration of different print formats to communicate these ideas, as well as an exploration of different educational fields, like psychology and linguistics. This study will engage the audience with the content, creating a unique experience that revolutionizes the idea of following a recipe.