Thelma and Louise is part of a promotional video series created specifically for an animal rescue group called SNARR (Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation). Each video highlights a different dog that was rescued by SNARR and is narrated from the dog’s point of view. This particular video presents the story of Thelma and Louise, two stray dogs found living under an abandoned trailer in Louisiana. On Christmas day, both dogs, who are sisters, gave birth to a total of eighteen puppies. After giving birth to their puppies, Thelma and Louise shared the responsibility of nursing each other’s puppies while fighting off coyotes and other stray dogs throughout the night. They continued to exhaustively defend themselves from predators while nursing their massive brood for quite some time until they were finally rescued by SNARR. Visually, the video has a soft and warm quality to capture the sisterly bond between Thelma and Louise. After being through so much together, they are completely bonded and this video captures their moving story and tender behavior. All of the videos were filmed in HD, edited with Final Cut Pro, and composited with Adobe After Effects.