On our way to achieve equality, are we throwing gay culture under the bus? Where are the gay men who are eccentric, charming and in touch with their feminine side? Being gay is about bringing together both the masculine and the feminine sides of who you are. It is an act challenging the traditional masculine gender role. Using the term queen as a pathway to examine the relationship between masculinity and femininity, this project celebrates the feminine side of gay culture. The title ‘Queen’ is political by nature, and refers to a female sovereign of an independent state. She is the head of the monarchy. The ruling Queen symbolizes a powerful female who, against all odds, is able to rise above the patriarchal domination. Within the gay community, the title ‘Queen’ denotes an exceptional individual with fearless personality who takes charge of his identity. A Queen embraces femininity and does not conform to the patriarchal standard of masculinity. Define Queen includes both surveys and interviews, asking gay men what the word ‘queen’ means to them. This book is a visual exploration of femininity in gay culture. Define Queen is above all, unapologetically gay.