For every action, there is a consequence. On the surface, Karmalog is a data-logging application in which the user evaluates their online presence, allowing users to mine their social media activity. Karmalog presents a rundown of every post, comment, photograph and action they have chosen to log creating a way to reminisce and reflect upon their actions both online and off. Generated from this data is each individual’s own Karmagraph, a data-visualization of the user’s accumulation of both negative and positive Karma. More deeply, however, this critical engagement gives users the ability to evaluate the repercussions of their actions on perhaps the most micro scale we have access to, while simultaneously visualizing a larger view of the patterns and trends of their behavior. It is through these logged events, in which the user is able to recall other actions and deeds they have committed, both ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ that the user can begin to understand the impact of social media on their lifestyles and lived experiences. Karmalog frames the age-old ideology of Karma through a present day medium in the form of a mobile application.