Man with a Turnip for a Head is part of a large online collaboration on It began as a poem by one user and it led to other users creating art, short animations, musical compositions, and even voice over work by the famous Gary Oldman. By creating a stop motion animation, I hope to add to the existing collaboration, and provide a completely new aesthetic different from what has already been done for this project. Collaboration has become such an important part of the design world today, making it an extremely significant part of this project. In addition to the online collaboration, I have received a lot of support from my classmates who have helped provide me with materials and tools needed for the making of the animation. The project allows me to get crafty and hands on through the making of the set design and character puppets. It will also incorporate lighting, video editing, sound design, and motion graphics. My overall goal is to create a piece that showcases the design skills and technical skills I have developed over my four years at Parsons.