Parsons School of Design
BFA Communication Design
Thesis 2024

Wenjie Ji

Ruin/Revival is an inquiry into how marginalized members reclaimed living space through radical and non-traditional communal initiatives. In the aftermath of the city-wide economic crisis, the Lower East Side found itself in a state of economic decay. Yet, in the face of adversity such as fiscal crisis, ruins, displacement, and gentrification, the Lower East Side's history since the 1970s underscores the transformative power of community resistance and engagement. Through a chronological presentation of the transformation of the Lower East Side, this book incorporates contemporary news stories, photographic documentation, art, and poetry such as “Decade of Fire” (Vivian Vazquez, 2018 ) and “A Lower East Side Poem” (Miguel Pinero, 1980) to unveil the richness of its history and culture.

The objective of the project is to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of communal efforts for reclaiming equity and living space for marginalized groups. The book centers on New York, but its reach extends to other countries such as China, Japan, and Canada. My interest in the Lower East Side was piqued by its vibrant culture, resilient spirit, and collective endeavors, which stand in stark contrast to the often indifferent and capital-dominated landscape of New York City.

The black-and-white imagery enhances the timeless quality of the narrative and symbolizes the stark contrasts and complexities inherent in the neighborhood's journey. By preserving collective memories, the book empowers individuals to connect with their cultural surroundings.

Sera Aksoy

Faye Arranz

Shravani Bagawde

Han Bao

Iryna Baran

Zein Bdeir

Victoria Beyrard

Anna Blyumenkrants

Tatiana Boccone

Megan Brill

Andrea Chang

Longcan (Hugo) Chao

Jolene Chen

Yu Tung Chen

Yuntong Chen

Loki Chow

Hong Jet Chua

Erin May Cochanco

Janet Delavan

Gayoung Do

Fang Dong

Julia Du

Manan Dua

Colin Elmer

Millie Faber

Siyao Fang

Noah Farjani

Hina Fernstrom

Leslie Fonseca

Sarahi Garcia

Amanda Guo

Charlotte Hailstone

Jieun Han

Mary Hatcher

Elliana Hau

William Hsu

Olivia Hu

Grace Huang

Jung Hwangbo

Krishika Jain

Yoo-Jin Jang

Janice Ji

Wenjie Ji

Eneya Joshua

Yung Ching (Aurora) Juang

Maya Kalinowski

Jasmine Kan

Nabeeha Khalid

Palakh Khetrapal

Jessie Kil

Hope Kim

Hye Yoon Kim

Jenny JaeMin Kim

Lindsay Kim

Aarya Kini

Claudia Kok

Vidhi Kontham

Themis Kung

Hoi Man Kwok

Katherine Lam

Camille Le Bars

Haylee Lee

Minjae Lee

Stacey Lee

Chenxiao Li

Vivian Liu

Sarah Ma

Rosie Mai

Kamryn McKenna

Haley Moore

Graeme Mounsey

Syrus Mow

Viviann Nguyen

Chloé Nini

Smitee Oberoi

Talita Ozkok

Surya Pande

Shruti Pathak

Kelly Peng

Aayushi Pitta

Zoey Poole

Kiara Putrilia

Anjali Raju

Rand Rivera

Virajini Sanghai

Sofia Santana Arrezola

Noor Selim

Anna Sham

Lakeisha Esthetique Sharonina

Carly Shelton

Mengqi Shen

Vanessa Shimon

Alex Vinicius Silva

Arjun Sivaprakasam Thamilarasan

Hajin Son

Yi Song

Alexander Soukakos

Aarya Srikumar

Hannah Suh

Yuka Tamura

Cynthia Huiwen Tan

Sidhya Tikku

Raquel Trevino

Sophie Tsang

Gianna Waldron

Haotian Wang

Yi Wang

Yichen Wang

Yingjie Wang

Victoria Winter

Sage Won

Sora Wong

Shiyao Wu

Tong Wu

Qian Xiang

Faith Xue

Tong Yu

Helen Zhang

Jinyi Zhang

Yixiao Zhao

Yufan Zhao

Haiyu Zhou

Yining Zhou

Feiya Zuo