Starting in the early 20th century, media began portraying Appalachians using negative stereotypes, often depicting them as ignorant backcountry people. These stereotypes led outsiders to unfairly judge these individuals based solely on where they call home. Consequently, coupled with the challenge of accessing certain areas, this has led to unequal access to essential resources. This is further exacerbated by corporations exploiting the land for its natural resources without remorse, therefore harming local communities and lives.
As time has progressed to the modern day, although the region has experienced growth, entrenched stereotypes persist alongside the ongoing scarcity of essential resources and corporate exploitation. Generational poverty, substance abuse, and inadequate healthcare represent just a few of the consequences stemming from this issue.
To a certain extent, there is an embrace of these stereotypes, while traditional Appalachian culture still perseveres. The superstitions, religious practices, and traditions have all endured the test of time. These things help create the cultural tapestry that is seen throughout Appalachia.
Stokes County serves as a curated collection of articles and data illuminating the shortcomings of public policies within the Appalachian region. These insights are thoughtfully juxtaposed with my personal narratives and experiences growing up in the region. Through the use of my personal photography I further show the truth within these articles and documents, which is the result of these disparities and the cultural institutions that serve as a backdrop. I hope to help make apparent both the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, of my previous home.