"We will be offering sex education in class in a moment. We ask that all classes settle in, tidy up, and turn on the classroom TV." This marks the start of the sex education I was exposed to in school. It only displayed films of pregnancies ending in birth and the steps involved in making a kid. It wasn't enjoyable, and I wasn't sure if it would genuinely be beneficial. Over time, I have discovered that the reason behind the notable rise in the adolescent birth rate in Korea is the persistent lack of sex education. The development of accurate notions and a fundamental understanding of sex is the most crucial and vital aspect of sex education. I made the decision to design a sex education book for Korean teenagers for my final project in the hopes that I may contribute in some little manner to solving this issue. The main objective is to make it enjoyable and approachable for teenagers by using a variety of components and realistic yet entertaining visual illustrations. I want to reach Korean youth with designs that have never been seen in Korea before, believing that an awareness of healthy sexuality will be a powerful stepping stone toward their future development into healthy adults.