Industrialization and structural transformation have created conditions for liberating women from patriarchal constraints. In a technological society, women can help—and are helping—to make vital contributions to enhancing Asia’s growth. Even as Asian women are gradually starting to challenge their subordination, many cultural and social norms have persisted in spite of growth, and gender equality indicators in Asia remain low by global standards. The different experiences of genders still exist across many domains including education, life expectancy, personality, interests, family life, and careers.
Referencing the New Ugly style, (Un)equal Stories uses a vibrant color palette and a chaotic typographic layout to touch upon difficult questions about gender inequality in Asia, especially in China. Through different forms of interaction including posters, animation, AR experience, and pseudo product design, this series of explorations depict the struggles and biases that females face in daily life. (Un)equal Stories aims to inspire the audience to reflect and question themselves whether they are the abuser or the victim of unconscious gender bias.