Perception is one of the most basic parts of the mind. It can bring suffering or health. This concept has been extensively studied. Many cultures have reached the conclusion that perception can be improved through meditative practices. Training perception through meditation helps us overcome harmful ways of being and promises us a calmer and more present life. At its core, meditation simply allows us to perceive the passage of time.
By strengthening our tools of perception, humanity pursues greater truths that improve our quality of life. This website serves to rejuvenate and question our perceptions. It asks us to absorb information in unconventional ways. Mindfulness has been removed from its community centered origins and corrupted by capitalism. This website responds to capitalism by stimulating healthy curiosity around our perceptions. This experiential website is a space that reflects the expansive reality of the human experience. Hopefully, through this website users will explore, question, and observe the passage of time. Technology allows us a free world to build, which hopefully varies from the capitalistic imagination if navigated mindfully.
Today’s world is oversaturated with media that tries to shape our perception of self. A healthy self perception helps identify when we are being coerced to think a certain way. The forces that shape our perceptions extend beyond the physical and into the virtual. Over time, our digital self is easily exploited for capitalist purposes. This project proposes an unbranded space so that we may adapt our physical perceptions into digital ones, authentically.