In the past few years, Asians have received more recognition in America such as K-pop in the entertainment industry as well as the diversity boom of customers in the Asian supermarkets. The rise of popularity in Asian culture can been seen the expansion of the demographic in our snacks. The mainstreamification of our culture has encouraged many Asian Americans feel more comfortable in their skin.
Years of normalized racism and microaggressions towards Asians in America have caused many to suppress their culture in order to fit in. My goal for my thesis project is to encourage Asian immigrants to remember their homes and reconnect with their roots. To do that, I chose to use our childhood snacks to show how important our culture is to us even when we didn’t realize it.
Because our snacking habits are so intimate and often are attached with culture nostalgia, I will create an interactive website that houses interviews with Asian immigrants about snacks that are associated with significant childhood memories.