The topic of school lunches first intrigued me when I went through the American school lunch program myself. The types of food (stale pizza, mystery meat, etc.) they fed us and what they focused on didn’t seem so attractive, so I wondered how other countries dealt with their school lunch program. I questioned if the United States took their lunch service seriously. Were these meals helping and targeting my health? Were they a balanced meal?
School lunches have been served since the mid-1900s amongst many countries. The way they handled their produce and calculated what they served. Each country handled the system differently, which I found quite interesting.
School Lunches Around the World is a resource that helps share information on how each country handles their school lunch program. My goal is to educate both children and adults to see and think about what they’re putting in their body everyday. I want this resource to allow people to be more intentional about their consumption of food and health choices.
Each country has an end goal of providing these students with health balanced meals. What do you think?