We all want to shape the story of our lives, to construct a reality based on the stories we unconsciously choose to believe. Apophenia is the name of the process humans use to create patterns between unrelated things that in turn shape their reality. This phenomenon is experienced when a tree trunk seems to resemble a face, conspiracy theories run rampant, and we begin to interpret natural phenomena as signs of mysticism.
Perhaps, as some psychologists theorize, the ability to detect patterns once ensured our survival as we evolved a hyper-awareness of predators. Over time, we repurposed this instinct to explain the extraordinary and find meaning in the universe, to explain phenomena and the strange nature of coincidences. Seeking to visualize this cognitive fallacy and archive it, the following books identify and collect ambiguous visual forms, pairing them with personal analysis. Primitive Metaphor, the first in this collection, is a compilation of interpretations exploring associations between form and meaning. The second, "[ (Tea + Imagination / Skepticism) * ∞ Probability ] ≈ ‽" is a sterile documentation of divination, pushing the boundaries of one's imagination and pattern-making abilities even as they seek to remain skeptical of any significant message. Both display the absurd nature of this ability in which our eyes and mind seek the comfort of distinguishable patterns. They force us to face a truth, that our interpretations reveal our experiences, desires, and assumptions; and that even these are ultimately what we make of them.