Childhood play has an effect on a designer’s creative process. I have taken psychology classes while in school and pulling from past work experiences, I am interested in how designers can use nostalgia as inspiration. My thesis question is explored through a book. I first gathered experiences from designers through a questionnaire. When creating the questions, I asked about their childhood experiences, and if any games or situations stuck out to them. I followed up asking about play in their current practice. Results showed that many designers had extremely active imaginations throughout their childhoods, many having imaginary friends and pretend worlds. Interestingly, nostalgia was said to have a positive effect on their work with regards to avoiding burnout. I was able to review some coping mechanisms that my subjects revealed. Through mind-maps I organized this information in order to help see how to use nostalgia to our advantage. Next, based on the answers around imaginary friends, I created 3D models in an attempt to bring a reality from their pasts. The goal of this book allows readers to embrace their pasts and take inspiration from play in their creative work.