As each semester passes, it is common for students to become overwhelmed due to heavy workload along with other possible stress-related problems. Especially today, it is proven that students feel more anxious and depressed throughout the courses than it has been in the past. A research conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness on mental health on college campuses shows that one in four students have a diagnosable illness, but 40% do not seek help, 80% feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities, and 50% have been so anxious they struggled in school. In order to bring more positivity around school, #yougotdis posters are displayed around The New School buildings to catch the eyes of the students, hoping to offer a moment of relief, motivation, and encouragement in a lightly manner. Moreover, the hashtag system can be used to easily spread these simple messages through social media, which can possibly bring more positivity for at 
least a moment amongst one another.