Restore, Back to the Beginning is a series of twelve cards that contain messages of healing. Designed for people who are suffering from the general hardships of life such as mental illness, the Restore, Back to the Beginning is inspired by the Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) organization’s twelve step recovery program. A card is dedicated to each step of the process, and you can order a set of cards through to send to your friends suffering with their daily hardships. The twelve cards will be sent one by one.
In the front side of the card, there are quotes that has a message each step wants to deliver. On the back, there are descriptions and some spaces that sender can leave note if they want. The twelve steps are: 1) Self Confess (this is the blank card that people tell their story that they couldn’t have told to anybody); 2) Accept your feelings as they are; 3) Make a decision; 4) Self Reflection; 5) Let God; 6) Open up and speak; 7) Keep trying; 8) Understand; 9) Let love flow through you; 10) Acknowledgment; 11) Develop yourself; and 12) Share. In the last step, if your hurt has been healed, you are able to share you story and it gives strength to those who still suffer from the same issues you’ve had. So in this stage, people are asked to share their story to the website.