We don’t live alone on this planet. We live amongst other living organisms and ecosystems. We go about living our lives by following our own ethical and moral beliefs. Sometime we don’t realize the impact we have around us. Our small actions and decisions seem minuscule, with little consequences. But humans are creatures of habit, so we repeat our actions over and over again. Each time, forgetting that we have probably done this before. Our actions affect environments around the world. It’s important to not only focus on environments that directly surround us, but also share the planet with us.
Linked is an interactive website to help people learn about the changes within different environments over the past two decades. It focuses on environments, sustainability and human impact within environments across the globe. Specific locations around the world were selected to represent the expansive effects that our decision-makings has. And each selected location has three characteristics with recorded annual reports to see the changes that have occurred within one environment. The site is interactive and allows users to learn and disclose information at their own pace. Hopefully, Linked helps people realize that they have a strong impact around the world and inspired to make changes and adjustments in their lifestyle to become a more ethical and morally sound person.