Chinese food has gained global appeal, known for its expansive variety, comforting taste, and affordability. Chinese food is commonly mistaken as one whole cuisine, but there are eight main styles of Chinese cuisine divided based on region, each with distinctive flavors and ingredients. Local Nibbles is a table-top daily calendar paired with an Augmented Reality (AR) app, which educates people who are unfamiliar and are curious to learn more about Cantonese cuisine. Focusing on seasonal ingredients and their nutritional values, the calendar gives an overview of how dishes vary with climate and geographic location. The AR app encourages interaction with the learning materials and provides detailed facts on each dish of the day and its nutritional benefits, specifically for the year 2021 (the year of the ox). The illustrations are drawn in a playful and whimsical style, creating a light and casual tone that elevates the educational experience. The interactive app and playful illustrations allow people to learn about the cuisine and basics of nutrition, one day at a time.