There’s no denying that social media is a big part of our daily lives. Whether it’s to check up on old friends or scroll through cat memes, we tend to check our phones constantly to keep ourselves entertained. Furthermore, people obsess over whether or not their posts did well over how many likes it got, and as a result we seek validation through such numbers. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are examples of different platforms we use to present different aspects of ourselves. It's as though we're choosing which "face" to use for the day within each app.
Faces is a game application that mocks those different sides of ourselves we portray within each social media app. It promotes an individual’s interests and emotions, while exploring the notion that social media is a game. The application allows social media lovers to connect with others who share the same common interests through the use of different faces as well as a ‘like’ system. Through its minimalistic and approachable design, users are able to build a community that interacts with each other, as well as a space people can expand on further sides of themselves.