Mexican heart, blood, skin, and paper. Equally American with heart, blood, skin, and paper. Speaking, listening and thinking in Spanish at home. As I leave the door, I enter a world in English with different traditions, goals, and desires. Exposed to both, these two worlds became my reality. For the last two decades, I have only known this mixture and separation of the Mexican and American culture, which has become a dynamic culture. This is the case of many Chicanos; people born in the United States with Mexican roots or Mexican-born folks that grew up in the United States. Asà Como Nosotros is a book that will express this dynamic of duality, separation, and unity of these cultures in the form of traditional Mexican food recipes, poetry, and images. Although it is not clear how confused it is to be Chicano, it is a way to celebrate it. This is broken up in three sections: food, language and image relations. Although I am focusing on the relationship between Mexican and American culture, this duality can be applied to other communities and be accessible to others.