According to the 2018 World Economic Forum’s gender gap index report, Japan is ranked 110 out of 149 countries, and it is as the second worst amongst developed countries in relation to gender equality. Web media outlet Mynavi Women and the official government gender equality bureau cabinet office revealed that one in three women had encountered sexual assault, and one in thirteen women had experienced rape. Flourish is a self-defense campaign developed to help empower women mainly living in Japan, but also women all over the world. To achieve the empowerment of young women, Flourish will educate about existing issues and crime prevention using self-defense moves. The campaign includes a booklet, poster, sticker, pin, website, and Instagram posts. The targeted audience is young women and students who are vulnerable, and are often targeted by sexual predators. I created a character called Flulu to make it look friendly, so that it is easier to approach, giving the campaign a face would help in attracting the audience’s attention to Flourish. Contents are chosen based on the interview that asked what did young women wish to know when they were harassed. Readers can learn how to avoid, escape, and attack the perpetrator if they needed through looking at the Women’s self-defense guide: Tips on Combating Sexual Harassment and Assault booklet, website, or Instagram posts.