Work in Progress is a podcast that is interested in the ways design students talk about their own thesis projects. It aims to create a space for students to have critical dialogues and discussions around design; a forum where ideas are being exchanged; a place where conversations can live and grow; a platform where I can shine a spotlight on them because I believe students have important things to say. The conversations center on the subject matter, but they also touch on research, process, and untold stories. By sharing these conversations widely across channels, listeners gain insights into the topics that each student covered and learn from the way this generation of designers thinks and solves problems. Choosing an audio format for the podcast allows me to create in-depth and intimate conversations. The use of a contemporary visual language—electric blue and a bitmap typeface—speaks to my energy as a host and the relevance of the topics. Throughout this project, I learned that we may feel insecure talking about our own work or afraid of sounding too much like an expert, but when I created a space and shined a light on us, we owned the floor.