Art has a powerful language of bring people of different backgrounds together in celebration of what is being spoken of or for. That can’t be said for the access of art through fund greedy institutionalized establishments. Public displays, in particular murals, break the traditional viewing of art in confined gallery spaces to the public eye where it can be viewed for all. The language of murals have been traditionally used to convey political messages to the public. In today’s day and age, murals are used to help bring awareness of the surrounding communities by having people be drawn to aesthetic art photos. A mural created by the community takes the idea of the everyday viewer into an active participant, becoming the artist themselves.
“Home” Cooked Meal is a public mural that illustrates the diversity of Asian American cuisines in Atlanta, Georgia.The mural itself is a community based project in a sense where the people from the Atlanta community become the artist themselves. By having people join in creating a piece of work, it brings a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that members from different communities can come together to create a work of art. In the recent event of all the Asian hate crimes occurring all over the world and especially in America during this time of the Covid-19 Pandemic, this mural will stand to be the beginning conversations and explorations of the Asian American identity in the American South and for all of America.